Bonnie Plants is hereby granted the absolute right and permission to use, reuse, publish, and republish photographic picture(s) of the image/likeness of "Bonnie Plants Cabbage Program" photo submission of minor child in whole or in part, without restriction as to changes or alterations on said photograph, from time to time, in conjunction with child's name and home state.

Photo, in conjunction with child's name and home state, may be reproduced in any medium and in any and all media now or hereafter known, including the internet, for art, advertising, trade, or any other purpose when associated with "Bonnie Plants Cabbage Program", in perpetuity. I also consent to the use of any published matter/ad copy/etc. in conjunction with such photographs. I specifically consent to the digital compositing of the photograph, including without restriction, any changes or alterations as to color, size, shape, perspective, and or cropping of foreground or background. I waive any right that I or the minor may have to inspect or approve any finished product or products or printed matter that may be used in connection with such photograph or the use to which it may be applied as it pertains to the promotion/publicity/advertising/etc. of the Bonnie Plants Cabbage Program.

I release, discharge, and agree to hold harmless Bonnie Plants, company's legal representatives or assigns, and all persons acting under company's permission or authority from any liability by virtue of any reason in connection with the use of such photograph, including blurring, distortion in color, alteration in scale, size proportion, whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the usage of said picture, as well as any publication of them, including without limitation any claims for libel or violation of any right of publicity or privacy. I hereby warrant that I am a legal competent adult and a parent or legally appointed guardian of the minor and that I have every right to contract for the minor in the above regard.

This release shall be binding upon the minor and me, and our respective heirs, legal representatives, and assigns.